May 19

Pole Vaulting

Hey guys it’s Kylie this week’s blog is about pole vaulting. In track & field there are a lot of events, one of the many is pole vaulting. Vaulting has been around for awhile, it was known to the ancient Greeks, Cretans and Celts. The equipment used for pole vaulting is a long flexible pole made out of either fiberglass or carbon fiber.

For an eighth grade middle school pole vaulter the pole is most likely around the height of eleven foot six feet.For girls middle school pole vaulting usually starts at round five feet. Once a certain height is cleared the bar moves up six inches at a time, once that height is cleared the bar moves up another six inches, and so on.

Pole vaulting is an all around awesome sport to get into and can really build your body muscles. It takes time and practice to get into the sport but is definitely worth it at the end.     

Posted May 19, 2017 by kyliebojack in category Other

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